The briefcase throwing/jumping-on does take a little getting used to but it’s a fun mechanic and the levels are satisfyingly challenging. It clearly borrows a lot from Super Mario World, but if you’re going to borrow from any 2D platformer you may as well borrow from one of the greatest of all time. The current build of Salaryman Shi features three levels and culminates in a boss fight. The main difference being that instead of fire flowers and feathers, Shi uses briefcases that he can throw and jump on to reach higher ledges. The visuals and the gameplay are clearly heavily inspired by Super Mario World (the first two levels especially). In Salaryman Shi you take control of a Japanese businessman called Shi, who has to traverse challenging environments to catch his bus to work. Jaws of Extinction is available to buy via Steam Early Access for $19.99.įor more information, follow Forthright Entertainment on Twitter and like on Facebook.Salaryman Shi is a charming little 2D platforming adventure that plays a lot like Super Mario World, but with the hero being a briefcase-wielding Japanese businessman, rather than a portly Italian plumber!

I would personally give it some more time to be fleshed out more, but I could see myself jumping back onto this game in the future. Just know that the game will have issues at first but there is a lot of promise with this title. But if you want to support this team that seems to have a plan of attack for new features and wants to hear back from the community to continue to build the game then I’m all for it.

However, that is with the asterisk that it will take some time. There are, however, tons of promise with base building aspects, survival, cooking, farming, and even more that emphasizes to me that this could become an intriguing title. This is something to know when buying this game that there will be bugs and issues throughout as this is not a finished product. If you notice the theme of this review, yes this is an early access title so it will have issues. Overall, the sound of the game needs some tweaking with some more detail that needs to be added and adjusted with footprints and gunshots. The voice acting has its good parts with some solid dialogue scenes, but also some funky scenes as well, but I’m sure that will be continued to be worked on.

However, that is to be expected with an early access title with a small team working to fix those issues. Another problem is texture pop-ins with some elements like trees and grass that will pop up while you’re walking. I enjoyed the graphics in this title, obviously being an Early Access game there will be some texture problems that will pop up. The crafting in this title is solid as well with the promise to become a robust system in the next couple of years. There are also survival aspects to the game where you will have to survive the elements. Also, there are armed bandit survivors and wildlife that will try to kill you in the process as well. In the game, you will go up against infected, this game’s version of zombies, which brings in the horror aspects of the game. This includes crafting, looting, base building, cooking, farming, survival that all can be explored and delved into. The game did not grip me with the story but the freedom to not even have to do the story intrigued me as I jumped right into the other aspects of the game. The story did not bring me in all that much as there needs to be some work put on that aspect, but I do enjoy the Sheriff at the start of the game. You can keep going into the story with the NPCs in the town or just go straight into other aspects of the title.

But once you get out of this beginning section, which takes around 50 minutes, the game opens up. At the start of the game, you will have a mission that will ease you into the game from the mechanics to gear that will become helpful. Jaws Of Extinction starts you on the island of Eden-Nadir, an open-world experience, where you will deal with threats throughout.